Controlled vs uncontrolled components in a form

TLDR; controlled components and forms without side effects are good things but it's an unstable state of equlibrium of your code base, it's enough one uncontrolled component to make all the form un-controlled and the sad story is that soon or later you will need these stateful components. Read full article

17/7/2024 in React

Connect LetsForm to Zapier

Zapier is one of the few backend services which can be used by a pure frontend page, it doesn’t support CORS directly, it doesn’t complain too much. Let’s discover how to connect Zapier to a form created with LetsForm Read full article

10/5/2024 in LetsForm

Authenticating Node-RED web sockets

While developing extension nodes for Node-RED is sometimes useful to re-use the built-in Web Sockets channel (/comms) to provide two ways communication between the extension and Node-RED. Read full article

10/5/2024 in LetsForm

RedBot 1.0

A new version of RedBot was released today, the biggest change is Mission Control: a persistance layer and pluggable control panel for RedBot's bots. Read full article

18/7/2022 in RedBot

Middlewares in NodeJS

Talking with a collegue of mine I came up with this solution about organizing the code in NodeJS+Express using middlewares.

Consider this example in which we have a simple page that performs two queries and shows the result in a template.

26/6/2016 in General

My name is Guido, currently employed at Maintainer of LetsForm and RedBot.

✉️ Contact me!

You will not find a lot of JS code here, I’m just a fan of JavaScript and Star Wars.

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